30th April 2016 – Lecture for the Psychoanalytic Consortium: Lacan and Countertransference
30th April 2016 – Lecture for the Psychoanalytic Consortium: Lacan and Countertransference
12th March 2016 – Lecture for the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research: Affect in the Neuroses
Lecture for the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research: Lacan’s ‘The Neurotic’s Individual Myth’.
Lecture for the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research: Introduction to Psychosis.
Presentation: Lacan on the Real (Jung –Lacan Dialogues) Middlesex University.
Lecture/Seminars (x2) ‘Introduction to Lacanian psychoanalysis: The imaginary, the symbolic and the real’ for the British Psychotherapy Foundation, London.